HELP END veteran homelessness
Welcome Home works to honor Veterans and restore lives.
We provide transitional and emergency shelter, permanent housing, employment assistance, and wrap-around supportive services to at-risk and homeless Veterans. All at no cost to the Veteran.
To end Veteran homelessness.
Welcome Home works to honor Veterans and restore lives.
OUR Values
Serve with Honor. Serve with Compassion. Serve with Excellence.
If you, or someone you know, are homeless, or in danger of becoming homeless, please contact our office at 573-443-8001
to schedule an interview or contact us.
Did You Know?
*Data below represents Welcome Home's 2023 measurable impact and outcomes.

total number of Veterans and family members enrolled and served through a combination of programs & services

36 Days
average number of days Veterans are enrolled in Permanent Housing Program before obtaining or sustaining independent, permanent housing

percent of Veterans that positively obtain or sustain independent, permanent housing through our Permanent Housing Program

number of well-balanced meals served to Veterans and family members in Emergency & Transitional Shelter

127 Days
average number of days Veterans are enrolled in Emergency & Transitional Shelter before moving into independent, permanent housing

percent of Veterans that positively move into independent, permanent housing from Emergency & Transitional Shelter

number of bed nights of care provided to literally homeless Veterans and their family members

number of Veterans we believe should be without a proper welcome home
Nicholas’ Story
“Just knowing I had a roof over my head because of Welcome Home and lived among other Veterans, that was a weight lifted off me … I wouldn’t be where I’m at today without Welcome Home.”
When he returned home after four years in the U.S. Marine Corps, Nicholas found himself alone and eventually homeless. He believed he put himself in this hole, but was determined to fight his way out. Welcome Home simply provided the support, tools and resources to empower him.

Don’t Leave
Our Veterans
On the battlefield this is the code. Unfortunately, some service members have a difficult time transitioning back into civilian life, many carrying scars of combat—some physical, some mental.
Welcome Home is taking action to reduce Veteran homelessness by being more than just a shelter. We provide supportive services, tools and resources to improve overall quality of life of those who served.
Just as there’s a commitment to never leave the wounded on the battlefield, we commit to never leaving our Veterans on the streets.
Will you join us in the battle to end Veteran homelessness?
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