In partnership with The Department of Veteran Affairs, Missouri Balance of State Continuum of Care, and the Missouri Housing Development Commission, Welcome Home assists Veterans and their families who are literally homeless, or are imminently in danger of becoming homeless, in obtaining and maintaining stable housing.
Program Features:
- Homelessness prevention and services for Veterans and their families
- Includes intensive case management, financial planning, and connection to VA benefits and services
- Housing identification and matching, improving capacity for long-term housing, income, and personal stability
- Direct financial assistance for upfront housing expenses like move-in deposits, security and utility deposits, household essentials and supplies
- Other supportive services, which may include: transportation assistance, landlord/tenant mediation, and budgeting
In order to be eligible for the Rapid Re-Housing program you must meet the following criteria:
- Veteran and Veteran Family status – a single Veteran, or a family in which the head of household or the spouse of the head of household is a Veteran.
- Low income – income that does not exceed 80% of your area’s median income.
- Imminent Housing Loss/Homeless – you are either already in permanent housing and are trying to avoid eviction OR you are literally homeless.
- Welcome Home’s Rapid Re-Housing Program currently provides services to the following counties: Adair, Audrain, Boone, Callaway, Camden, Carroll, Chariton, Cole, Cooper, Gasconade, Howard, Linn, Macon, Maries, Miller, Moniteau, Monroe, Montgomery, Morgan, Osage, Pettis, Phelps, Pulaski, Randolph, Saline, and Shelby. *MO Continuum of Care counties served and subject to change.
Goals & Objectives:
- Participants who are literally homeless will obtain appropriate, affordable housing within 90 days upon entry.
- Participants who are at risk of becoming homeless, will remain stably housed in appropriate, affordable housing.
- All participants receive supportive services focused on improved capacity for long-term housing, income improvement, and personal stability.
- Participants who are fleeing domestic violence will be provided safe and confidential referral for supportive services and will be rapidly re-housed in appropriate, affordable housing.
How to Apply for Admission into Welcome Home’s Permanent Housing Program:
Pre-screening assessment can begin by contacting Welcome Home.
Welcome Home
2120 Business Loop 70 East, Columbia, MO 65201
(573) 443-8001 ext. 104 or 118
More About Our Permanent Housing Program
The program was developed in response to a redirection of focus toward the homeless Veteran population that includes homeless prevention, rapid re-housing, and Housing First Models to combat the disproportionate number of Veterans experiencing homelessness. Assistance to Veterans is delivered through a variety of services to address current gaps in continuum of care for this group of individuals.